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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust



It is our intention at Ashton Vale Primary School to provide pupils with a high-quality education in English that will teach them to speak, listen, read and write with fluency and confidence.  Through the teaching of these skills children will be able to communicate their ideas, thoughts and emotions effectively with others. 


Daily phonics (KS1), reading, spelling and writing lessons are taught across the school. Children in KS1 will have daily phonics lessons using the letters and sounds scheme.  Children in KS2 will have a daily spelling lesson using No Nonsense Spelling.  Across the school all children are taught a daily reading and writing lesson.  For further details please see the dedicated Phonics, Reading and Writing pages.


Children should develop into enthusiastic readers and writers with the confidence to communicate their ideas to a range of audiences.  Children should be able to speak positively about reading and writing and have the ability and skills to continue to develop their speaking, reading and writing onto the next stage of their learning and beyond.