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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust


"PSHE education helps children and young people to stay safe, healthy and prepared for life's challenges and opportunities."


We aim for all of our children to leave us having developed into inquisitive, thoughtful and well-rounded young people who want to make a positive contribution in life.

We use our School Values of HEART, the promotion of fundamental British Values and our work in Personal, Social and Health Education ( PSHE ) to explore themes with children to help them to develop into the best versions of themselves, with a deeper understanding and respect, of the multi-faceted, multi-cultural country and world in which we all live. 

At Ashton Vale every class uses ‘Jigsaw’, which is a holistic approach to PSHE that helps children to connect all the pieces of Personal, Social and Health education, Emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. It provides pupils with a well-structured, progressive, whole-school approach, helping to develop empathetic pupils who understand and value how they fit into and contribute to the world. 

Jigsaw offers a ‘mindful’ approach to themes, with plenty of opportunity to reflect, share, discuss and challenge ideas and opinions. Jigsaw actively focuses on developing the mental health and well -being of pupils and allows them opportunities to ponder life’s bigger questions.

There are six Puzzles in Jigsaw that are designed to progress in sequence from the start of each academic year (Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Changing Me and Relationships). The whole school completes the same unit at the same time meaning they can be celebrated in a meaningful way. Throughout a child’s school journey they will revisit content and objectives which build on each other.

PSHE Jigsaw Curriculum Progression


In September 2020 the teaching of Relationship Education became compulsory in primary schools, although many schools like Ashton Vale have been teaching this for a while. It is important for children to be taught the building blocks of how to form healthy relationships. At Ashton Vale we use a scheme of learning called Jigsaw to help us teach children about relationships in an age-appropriate way. The Jigsaw scheme also introduces children to how their bodies are changing inside and out as they grow up, teaching children how to stay healthy and, as they progress into key stage 2, what to expect in puberty.

 Information for Parents:

To read the PHSE policy (including Relationships, Sex and Health Education) in full click here


This information leaflet explains more about Jigsaw, the school's PSHE scheme of work, and the mindfulness approach it takes.


This information leaflet explains how Jigsaw, the school's PSHE scheme of work, approaches teaching relationships, sex and health education in our school.
