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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Religious Education

We are all different and that's beautiful.

At Ashton Vale, we want our children to develop a deep understanding of religious and non religious world views, so that they may consider how to live their own lives and answer life’s big questions. We want to prepare them for the diverse culture of modern Britain and to develop an empathetic understanding of each other and others in the community. We explore core theological concepts, enabling pupils to develop knowledge and skills in making sense of religious texts. They connect, critically reflect upon, evaluate and apply their learning to their own growing understanding of religion and belief, of themselves, the world and human experience (Awareness, Mystery Syllabus).

This is implemented through our Religious Education (RE) curriculum, in which the children learn about the major world religions and also encounter non-religious world views while exploring ‘big’ questions. 

At Ashton Vale we utilise the Kapow RE curriculum and scheme of work.

Kapow Primary’s Religion and Worldviews Curriculum aims to develop: 

  • Deep thinkers who are open-minded about religion and worldviews. 
  • Reflection and preparation for life in modern Britain.  
  • A deep understanding of concepts in order to be able to make connections, ask and respond to challenging questions. 
  • Respect and appreciation of worldviews that are different to their own.

In their RE journey, the children encounter Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism and explore questions such as ‘Why is our world special?’ and ‘How do we celebrate our journey through life?’. As they move through the school, their knowledge of religious values and customs is deepened, with specific units of study dedicated to understanding what it means to belong to particular faiths. Before transitioning to secondary school, the children explore further philosophical questions, such as ‘How do we make moral choices?’ and ‘Who inspires us to live life well?’. 

Ashton Vale RE Curriculum Progression