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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

New Reception Parents

Thank you for considering Ashton Vale Primary for your child. We hope you find the information below useful prior to your child starting with us, but if you have any questions, please do get in touch.


School Uniform

Basic school uniform can be purchased through any local supermarkets. 

Our uniform is as follows:

  • A red polo top with grey or black bottoms and grey or black tights / socks
  • Black shoes with buckle or velcro fastening. 
  • For P.E. pupils should wear a yellow t-shirt and black shorts with black trainers, plus warm outerwear for outdoor activities. This should be worn to school on the days noted by your child's teacher.
  • Make-up, nail varnish and jewelry are not permitted
Please label all school uniform with the child's name so we can reunite any lost items with their owner.
Logo'd uniform can be ordered from Monkhouse CLICK HERE