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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Personal Development

By enabling our children and young people to develop their own skills, knowledge and understanding of how to be who they are, understand the world they are growing up in and how to keep themselves safe in all areas of their world, we believe that we are giving each and every one of them the best chance for their lives ahead. Our curriculum has been designed with our children in mind and may vary in content to reflect the ever-changing world we live in.

Our personal development offer at Ashton Vale is something of which we are hugely proud. We prioritize children's personal development by fostering an environment where each child is encouraged to grow both academically and emotionally. We offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, leadership opportunities, and personalized support to help students build confidence, resilience, and self-awareness.

Contributing to the wider community is important for all at Ashton Vale. As well as raising money for local and national charities, we have close links with the local initiatives and services, pupils having the opportunity to shape their local community.

Play Leaders facilitate harmonious lunchtimes and ensure there are activities suitable for all and our Reading Buddies, read to young children and make recommendations to their peers.

We use our school HEART values to promote positive attitudes to learning and developing a growth mindset for all. These reflect the skills and attitudes needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success.  Through these values, the children will contribute to the wider society and learn how to be a responsible citizen who is tolerant and respectful of others’ values and beliefs.